Sunday, October 3, 2010

Font of the Futura

Futura, a timeless font that I find myself using more and more. What makes it special? It's clean and crisp. It's professional and fun. It's a mix between Comic Sans and Times New Roman. It is straightforward and efficient, using classic geometric shape with almost no embellishment. It follows the minimalist design philosophy that I find missing in a lot of things we see today.

However as I admire the design of Futura, I realize that to truly appreciate what Futura does, you must appreciate all fonts in general. Though you may prefer one font over another, the main purpose of the fonts remain the same. The font is an important part of the message and sometimes can be just as important as the message itself. In addition to making the words look better, it provides a visual aid to the presentation of the message. Imagine a wedding invitation written in Comic Sans rather than calligraphy or a birthday card written in stencil. The intention of the writer would have changed and the message, though the same would have been different.

Fonts are another façade of language and communication. It has become an essential part of today’s use of design. It can convey meaning beyond the words. Marketing and advertising uses fonts to give meaning through connotations to its meaningless brand. Kleenex uses a plush and round font to show softness and comfort, while IBM uses a patterned serif to show professionalism.

As we write our next piece of text, we must look at significance of our choice in font and how it has affected our message.

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