Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stone Soup

As a child, I had only heard of Stone Soup. The first time I heard the story was the day I experienced Stone Soup for myself. It was an interesting experience, seeing how everyone collaborated to create something new and unique. As Housefield suggests, the exercise does bring out a sense of teamwork and teaches everyone how to use the skills and contribution of everyone to create something great.

For me, it was a great lesson in teamwork as well as a lesson in design. The experience made me consider whether what we were doing design or not, or if it was, was it good design? In my other collaborative work, there has always been a goal of some sort. And with that, the group was able to have a uniting vision and contribute what they thought would be best. However, with this experience there wasn’t a particular goal other than to create something. This made it difficult for everyone to work together to create something as one. When I looked around, I saw many people having the same experience. As I looked at the works of everyone, I asked, “How is this not just a smorgasbord of random things?” And as I mentioned before, to me there is no design without function, and for this particular instance, there is no design without purpose. Anyone can almost see beauty in anything; it is only a matter of preference. However, with purpose, the creation can show the audience something new, something the viewer did not have to create for themselves. Were all the works of Stone Soup day design, or good design? I’ll let the readers decide for themselves


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