Monday, November 15, 2010

Designing Cartoons

What are the constraints that come into play when designing a cartoon show or character? What are the questions that are asked and how are they answered. First lets compare the design of two popular cartoon series and how their visual differences. What are the differences between The Simpsons and Family Guy?

One important difference is how the characters look. The characters of The Simpson are more comical and less realistic. Almost everyone has yellow skin and having blue hair is as normal as being a red head. They have circle and dots for eyes and their hairstyle can’t be seen anywhere else. Family Guy’s characters though still, comical look a little bit more realistic. How does this aspect affect its content? We can view this a design to target a different audience. The unrealistic design of The Simpsons is targeted more for a younger audience. They are more likely to accept and appreciate the image. Family Guy on the other hand is designs more for the older audience. They need to believe that they are watching something that is in lined with their maturity. The contents of these show clearly shows the differences between the two kinds of audience. Family Guy has much more violent topics and adult humor. The Simpsons however are more about cultural reference, which almost anyone would know about.

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